Privacy and Terms of Use

Terms of Use

cosmICweb is a web-based tool providing access to initial conditions for cosmological zoom simulations from existing simulation data. It provides access to the halo catalogs and merger trees of pre-run simulations in which the user can search for halos (and galaxies) at various redshifts matching his research project requirements. For every (large enough) halo, multiple proto-halo patches including a different amount of the halo environment are provided. The application combines these patches with the initial conditions of the simulation to generate MUSIC configuration files that can be used to generate the initial conditions for various simulation codes. Users can reference halos and collections of halos that they used in their works, allowing the community to reproduce results and to compare different simulation codes for verification.

The simulation data, including halo catalogs and Lagrangian ellipsoids, are provided through additional services, which we refer to as API servers in the following. These API servers may be hosted by another organization, indicated on the Simulation overview page. By accessing this data, cosmICweb transfers your registration email address to the API server. The API servers may also log your IP address.

The cosmICweb platform is hosted at the University of Vienna. The development of this project was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 679145, project 'COSMO-SIMS').

This service is provided in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Respect of the terms of use

We grant ourselves the right to block users and remove data which does not comply with the terms of use.


Access to cosmICweb requires the creation of a user account, which has to be approved by the administrators before the service can be used.


The cosmICweb service allows to add halos to collections to store them for later use. These collections are private by default, but can be shared with other users through a randomized URL. Collections that appear in published research articles ("publications") are visible to everyone.

Privacy policy

Name of the service
Personal data processed
For all users
  • IP address
For authenticated users
  • email address
  • name
Purpose of the processing of personal data
The IP address of the visitors are kept in a log file during one year.
Personal information is used for access control and user profiles.
Third parties to whom personal data is disclosed
How to access, rectify and delete personal data
Please get in contact with us via the feedback form.
Data retention
The user profile is deleted upon request.
Any personal data published by the user on cosmICweb will be kept online and backed-up.
Log files containing IP addresses are deleted automatically after one year.